Lab Oven / Drying Oven/ Forced Air Drying Oven

office No 1 Sunset Lane No 1 Building No 24 C phase 2 EXT DHA Karachi
Posted on 13 June 2024 / 4
Listing Type : Construction Material
Condition : Brand New
Lucky (Made in Pakistan) Digital Display fully Stainless Steel Lab Oven.
Oven Capacity: 226 Ltr
Liner size(mm) W×D×H: 600 x 600 x 600
External size (mm) W×D×H : 752 x 660 x 660
Temperature Range: RT+10~300 ºC
Temperature Resolution: ±0.1ºC
Supply Voltage: 220V 50HZ
Heating Element : Korea
Element Power: 2000 Watts
Heating Up Time: 10 Mints
Heating System:High Speed Heater
Working Temperature: 1 ºC ~ 40 ºC
Controller Type: Digit Display
Thermo couples Type: PT-100, K, J, E, N
Body: Non-Magnet
Safety Breaker: Yes
Fan: Yes
Safety Thermostat: Yes
Volt Meter: Yes
Ampere Meter: Yes
Oven Foot: Yes
Customer Review: No Complain
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